Friday, September 30, morning
- 9h.00-10h00 : Alain LECOMTE (SFL, Université Paris 8)
Introduction aux problèmes de lexique - 10h00-10h30 : Coffeebreak
- 10h30-11h30 : Marco ROMANO (Università Roma Tre & Epistematica Srl)
Ontologies, Logic and Interaction, 1. Approaches to Semantic Web : From lexical semantics to geometrical compatibility - 11h30-12h30 : V. Michele ABRUSCI (Università Roma Tre)
Ontologies, Logic and Interaction, 2. Open questions and new research perspectives
Friday, September 30, afternoon
- 15h00-16h00 : Pierre LIVET(Université de Provence)
Ludics as a process of making explicit and interactive ontological types - 16h00-17h00 : Claudia CASADIO (Università di Chieti-Pescara)
Ontologies in Linguistics and Psychology : Theoretical models and open problems - 17h00-17h30 : Coffeebreak
- 17h30-18h30 : Remo PARESCHI (Università del Molise)
An inside-out perspective on lightweight ontologies
- 18h30-19h30 : First general discussion. Chair : Christophe FOUQUERÉ (LIPN, Université Paris 13)
Ontologies et sémantique lexicale
Saturday, October 1, morning
- 9h00-10h00 : Aldo GANGEMI (ISTC, CNR, Roma)
Some design patterns for the ontology-lexicon interface over the Web - 10h00-10h30 : Coffeebreak
- 10h30-11h30 : Richard MOOT (LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux)
Syntax, semantics, and pragmatics in a unified type theoretical framework
(Joint work with Laurent Prévot and Christian Retoré) - 11h30-12h30 : DanielePORELLO (University Amsterdam)
Ontology Merging as Social Choice
Saturday, October 1, afternoon
- 15h00-16h00 : Monica MONACHINI (ILC, CNR, Pisa)
Towards interfacing lexical and ontological resources - 16h00-17h00 : Samuel TRONÇON (Groupe Résurgences / IML)
Diffusion et infiltration dans les réseaux sociaux - 17h00-17h30 : Coffeebreak
- 17h30-18h30 : Final general discussion. Chair : Claire BEYSSADE (Institut Nicod, Paris)
Ontologies et sémantique lexicale